Lugarno Progress Association
Naturally Beautiful

Welcome to the Lugarno Progress Association

The LPA is a not-for-profit, apolitical volunteer association that advocates on behalf of Lugarno residents to preserve and improve the amenity and environment of the suburb.
Our ongoing charter is to provide a voice to all levels of Government on issues that may threaten the natural beauty of our suburb.
Our community group advocates or progresses initiatives that will result in favourable outcomes for the Lugarno community in a consultative and democratic manner.
As residents we are proud of the physical attractions of our peninsula suburb, its Indigenous heritage, and early settler history.
The LPA holds monthly meetings and all are welcome to attend and participate in activities that the LPA organises.

The main objective of the LPA is to act in the best interests of the residents of Lugarno, consistent with its motto:
Lugarno, Naturally Beautiful.

downloadDownload the LPA constitution.
diversity_3 Executive Committee


The Lugarno Progress Association was formed in 1922.
Early meetings were held in private homes and then in Cleveland's Hall until the Progress Hall was built on land donated by Mr Wiltshire.
The LPA campaigned for the establishment of a Post Office and Primary School thus establishing Lugarno as a Postal District shortly after World War I.
quiz Did you know... Lugarno is named after the Lugano District in Ticino Switzerland. Early Settlers from Europe are said to have given the area its original name Lugano, although over the years, the Australians added the 'r' letter.

Next LPA Meeting

Mon 07 October, 2024
7.15pm for 7.30pm start
Church Hall, Lugarno Anglican Church
3a Old Forest Road Lugarno
Tea and Coffee Provided

Quarterly Newsletters



The LPA organises events throughout the year.
Keep up to date with upcoming events here.


Join the Lugarno Progress Association. Volunteer with other locals to protect our naturally beautiful suburb for future generations. Membership is open to all residents of Lugarno. To become a member, simply complete the online membership application form and pay the membership fee.

Membership Application

Contact Us

Contact the Lugarno Progress Association
via email:
pop into our next monthly meeting at
Lugarno Anglican Church hall
3a Old Forest Road Lugarno
(opposite Lugarno Public School)